Face Yoga exercises

5 Powerful Face Yoga Exercises

Natural Face-liftingDoes Face Yoga really work?

Our face is known to be the epitome of beauty, and to maintain the radiance on one’s face, their skin needs to appear fresh and youthful. However, maintaining a natural and smooth skin texture can become a source of worry for some of us as we grow old.

Your face muscles lose their tone, and thinning skin creates a droopy and saggy appearance. As you age, your skin starts to dry out, and there is a shrinking at the underlying layer of fat, which is why your face is no longer plump and has a rough look.

If you even have the basic know-how of skin routines, you probably know that basic face yoga is a natural solution to fixing saggy skin. And although it might seem like a great option, it does take up too much of your time and can often take too long for you to see some visible results.

However, would you believe if you were told that a simple technique could fix all your facial problems? And all you need to do is use both your thumbs? Master Ahn offers you the secret face yoga techniques that will provide you with the best results in no time!

This post will focus on face yoga and how you can integrate Master Ahn’s methods into your daily routine to give your face a natural lift.


It’s no secret that you can do cardio and stretching exercises to help you attain that toned and fit body, but not many people know how their face muscles play a part in how they look.

In simple words, face yoga is identical to body yoga in that it comprises workouts and stretches that target the muscles in your face to give it a natural lift.

The theory is that by doing these workouts, you can maintain your look, appearing toned and youthful by elevating sagging and droopy areas and eliminating years off your face.

Massage and movements that activate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system are part of face yoga. This technique softens and relaxes your face muscles, which can assist in relieving tension, stress, and anxiety. This may also assist you in refraining from creating the facial expressions linked with those emotions.

People hold their expressions a certain way all day, and this causes tension to build up in their muscles, leading to the worst sagging skin as time passes. Face yoga provides a reasonable and easy way for you to get the naturally young skin you once used to have.


Most people believe that getting surgeries or trying over-the-counter products is the best way to get natural-looking skin. But invasive procedures like that can often have dangerous side effects, unlike face yoga, which has many more benefits.

Continue to read ahead about the benefits face yoga offers.

  • It gives you a more radiant complexion
  • Softens wrinkles and brightens your skin
  • The appearance of stress lines is minimized to release tension
  • Skin glows with increased circulation and blood flow
  • Reduces the presence of scars by lifting your skin
  • Breaks patterns of movements by which we hold tension
  • No price tag, unlike expensive cosmetic procedures
  • It helps boost your confidence and make you feel good


The exercises below can help you start getting the natural face you want. However, they may take too much time and would not be required if you follow Master Ahn’s technique. Nonetheless, continue to read ahead if you wish to learn about these average techniques.

  • Cheeks Sculpting

Close your mouth and roll your lips out entirely while trying to smile until you feel the corner of your lips slightly burning. Press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth and slide them up towards your cheekbones. Hold this position for 20 seconds until you feel the tightening of your face muscles.

You will have to repeat this three times daily. Sounds daunting, right? The good news is, you won’t get this tired when practicing Master Ahn’s technique.

  • Forehead Smoother

Press your shoulders down after lifting your arm straight. Drop the arm over your head and place your fingertips at your temple. Press down gently with your fingers while lifting your face up and back. Keep your chest open while you drop your head to your shoulder again. Breathe through your mouth as you hold this pose.

You can even take this further if you want, but it’s a given that you will most probably be exhausted after just this much.

  • Collar Bone Backup

Keep your head at level with the floor while bringing your head back a few inches until you feel the muscles on both sides of your throat start to relax and contract. Do this 3 times with 10 repetitions in each set, then progress further by holding this position for more than 30 seconds. However, this would only help if you had a lot of time on your hands to do this exercise daily without fail.

Both your palms have to be on your temples. Start pushing your hands up and back to the sides of your face. Make an “O” shape by opening your mouth, and make sure you drop your jaw enough to make your face as long as possible. This exercise sounds easy, but if you are looking for quick results, it will eventually take a toll on your jaw.

  • The Eye Roller

Sit straight, with a broad spine and a relaxed breathing pattern. Relax the muscles in your face and eyes. Raise your look upward before moving your head. Then slowly rotate your eyes clockwise, making a  large circle. As you do this, concentrate on the items in your peripheral vision, and urge the motion to feel fluid. Repeat the eye-rolling movement in a counterclockwise direction three times when you’re ready.

It’s understandable that just reading this exercise must have given you a headache! Phew.


Lifting your face is easier with the groundbreaking ChiBodyWorks book, which offers you all the secrets to gaining a natural lift at home.

Life Force Secrets is the brain child of Tai Chi, Acupressure and Shiatsu Grand Master Ahn.

He has provided an elite and private clientele with proven, simple, and effective solutions for body alignment, repair, and natural face-lifting to tighten skin and remove wrinkles for the past 60 years.

And now, his secrets are available for you to use, again and again, in the comfort of your own home

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  1. Pingback: 14 Mind-blowing Home Remedies For Skin Tightening | Lifeforcesecrets

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