Thermage vs Ultherapy

These 2 Treatments: Thermage & Ultherapy are Dangerous

 Nonsurgical treatments for curing skin conditions can take less than an hour, but some of them are dangerous.

Techniques such as Thermage and Ultherapy are acquiring widespread support from woman, and men, who want to reduce wrinkles, tighten skin, and appear leaner and fitter. However, there’re some downsides to these techniques which we will explain in the latter half of the article.

Both treatments identify similar issues, but there are some significant distinctions to consider before deciding which treatment is appropriate for you. Before discussing the difference between them, let’s discover what these actually are;

What is Thermage?

Thermage is a nonoperative technique that promotes new skin regeneration while stiffening and stabilizing the skin. Rf radiation increases the temperature in the skin, which first considers the exterior and extends into the interior.

Normally recommended for:

  • face
  • ocular region
  • abdominal region
  • thighs

Meaning, it can work on wider areas of the body. And based on the treatment region, a single treatment take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.

But does it work?

Well, you can see some results to your skin, at least after the operation. In some circumstances, the full effect can last up to six months. The end result of the method appears more natural than the result obtained from many other experimental medicines, but, we think its results will surely test your patience, and your wallet.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is being used in Laser treatments to override the appearance of the skin and encourage skin elasticity in the appropriate locations.

Ultherapy is effective in targeting relatively small, deeper skin layers. Ultherapy is promoted as a remedy to treat the body from within. It is the only FDA-approved, non-invasive protocol for lifting and tightening the skin in the places around the following areas:

  • the brow line
  • chin
  • neck
  • chest
Difference between Procedures

Thermage and Ultherapy are both accomplished as a simple in-office visit. However, there are discrepancies in how each methodology are undertaken.

  • Thermage

Your technician uses a hand-held sensor to deliver radio frequency energy into the tissue of the specified area. Every time you use it, you will most likely feel a brief sensory temperature experience.

The time duration is dependent on the characteristics of the skin being treated. You benefit from Thermage at about the 30 minute mark, but some individuals have been documented to stay even long, say, about 2 hours.

  • Ultherapy

Before applying the ultrasound gel, your practitioner will comprehensively clean the specified area.

Your provider will place the Ultherapy sensor on the desired location and use an ultrasound viewer to select the optimum settings for providing ultrasound energy to the area of your choice.

This will last between 30 and 90 mins max, depending on the area. The chest takes about 30 minutes to finalize, while the head and face can take 30 to 45 minutes.

Difference between Thermage and Ultherapy

In many ways, they are close, but, there is some major differences between the two that you should be fully aware of before looking for the right therapies for your self.

The following points will help you to understand them, both.

  • Different Sorts Of Energy 

The primary difference between them is the form of energy used to boost collagen production. Thermage utilizes radio frequency, whereas Ultherapy implements ultrasound.

This energy gap is significant because ultrasound can generally intrude into the skin layers.

Spaces Of Rehabilitation

Another notable distinction between the two techniques is the scope of the therapies. Ultherapy is the preferred treatment targeting the chin and is subject to various areas. Thermage cannot be used to treat these places. Ultherapy is also highly suggested for patients with mild tissue ineffectiveness.

The Estimating Of The Outcome

Both treatments require approximately the same amount of days to finish. In particular, full Ultherapy outcomes can be achieved 2 months after therapies, while its competitor results can take up to 6 months.

Risks and Side Effects

The most commonly reported side effects are swelling and redness. These adverse effects normally go away after a few hours, although they might continue for weeks in some circumstances. Bruising has occurred in some individuals due to both therapies.

Whereas, Ultherapy patients complain of “botched” surgeries that have left them with long-term negative effects and a poorer appearance. Following the treatment, severe nerve injury, eye damage, and deformity have been documented.

Both of these options have side effects, and their results might take months to appear. Additionally, the temporary nature of outcomes makes it an unfavorable option for most people, especially when higher costs are involved.

So, you might be looking for some cheaper, more accessible, and more relaxing way of getting your natural glow back. Is there any method that holds pluses over these two commonly known treatments? Let’s talk about it;

Is there a better way to tighten your skin?

Nature is the mother of all treatments, especially when it’s backed by medical evidence and the experiences of hundreds of people. Your saggy skin doesn’t need any expensive, harmful, medications or teasing short-lived surgeries. A few exercises with proper pressure and posture can easily serve the purpose for you.

Don Ahn— a Korean Master— has extracted some amazing therapy that won’t take you more than 5 minutes a day to achieve what the most expensive cosmetics and plastic surgery in the world — failed to accomplish.

You just need your two thumbs, and a mirror. By practicing these techniques, you’ll surely see considerable results. We have compiled all these tricks into a short book named Chi BodyWork by Life Force Secrets.

Give it a try, and you will see for yourself what these home-based natural exercises can do to your looks. The results will surprise you, and, save you thousands of dollars, too!